
Where East Meets West

Our recent San Antonio RV Park Spring Fling BBQ Potluck gave me a stockpile of wonderful recipes to try and test.  My personal favorite is perfect for RV living and traveling because it's so easy and the ingredients are always in my cupboards.  The Napa cabbage is the only ingredient I needed to buy.  Although I love soy sauce and make it a staple even in the RV, ya'll may need to think about getting some for this recipe because it's a must for the dressing but I think you could successfully substitute teryaki sauce if you have it by chance.  

Our thanks go out to Jeanette Z for this addition, Oriental Napa Cabbage Salad, to our potluck.  A true case of eastern cuisine meeting South Texas western BBQ fare.


2 pkg Ramen Noodles (reserve seasoning packet for future use)
1 c. sliced almonds (my preference) or slivered 
1 stick butter or margarine
1 head Napa cabbage
1 bunch green onions

1/4 c vinegar
1/2 c sugar
3/4 c salad oil
2 Tbsp soy sauce


1.  Chop cabbage, not too fine but in easy bitesize pieces.  Chop onions.  Set aside
2.  Melt butter; add raw Ramen noodles and almonds, saute until light brown but watch closely as they tend to burn easily.
3.  Put dressing ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil and boil 1 minute only.

Store all three steps in separate containers till ready to serve them combine them.

Note:  Do not refrigerate the dressing as it will crystallize.

This was so crispy and delicious.  Jeanette didn't include this in her ingredients but I distinctly tasted dried cranberries and it was a perfect addition both for the color and the texture of the salad.  Needless to say there was very little left. 

Let us know how you like it and any variations you made.

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