
Turkey Sandwiches of the Third Kind

    Since so many of us have extra time off during December and many celebrate the holidays, this season is popular for sharing good food with friends.    One of my standby entertaining foods are finger sandwiches. Now turkey sandwiches can become a little boring when your trying to finish up leftover turkey but I always like to freeze a little leftover turkey, de-boned and skinned, and save it for finger sandwiches at a moments notice.  Chicken works well for this too but moist marinated turkey makes a great turkey salad.  Just cut the pieces up enough to make them easy to fit in a freezer bag.  When you're ready, defrost it slightly then put in a food processor and coarsely grate.  You can grate it first then freeze but it seems to grate easier when it's slightly frozen.    
Once you've got your grated poultry, here's the finishing touches:
  • Mayonnaise or salad dressing to taste, a little at a time till it's the consistency you prefer
  • Finely chopped celery (ground celery seed will work)
  • Finely chopped onions
  • Garlic Powder to taste
  • Pinch of curry powder (optional-only add it if you like the scent-it tastes like it smells)
  • Salt and pepper to taste
    Don't hesitate to add other spices or ingredients you like.  Some use pickles, finely chopped, radishes, sprouts, sliced green grapes or olives sliced.  It's best if the consistency is pasty.  Spread it evenly on bread slices and cover with another slice then cut in quarters.  Mixing bread types makes for a pretty platter.  Another option is spreading it on petite croissants, filling pita pockets or spreading a light layer on a tortilla and rolling it up.  Lettuce, spinach and tomato are great toppers too.
    We even have this for a light dinner on the road or after a long day of traveling in the RV or catching the local sights.  You can add a bowl of soup if you're real hungry.  This is great for a potluck contribution, too.
Please comment if you've got any additions or suggestions to add. 

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