
A San Antonian Favorite

Imagine this: you're in a restaurant on the River Walk in San Antonio.  A heavenly aroma of barbequed beef comes wafting past your table along with the sound of perfectly grilled hot fajitas, onions and bell peppers sizzling on a cast iron pan.  

Makes your mouth water just to think about it, right?  Now imagine this:  that same tempting aroma right in your own kitchen.  Want to recreate a San Antonio favorite in your kitchen?
Evanne, the RV Cooking Show Chef has taken on the challenge of this San Antonio favorite and made it easy for all of us.  During her presentation we get interesting and informative travel tips for a memorable trip to San Antonio.  Check out her video at this link, then bookmark it to keep up with Evanne's travel tips and regional cooking recipes.  Part cooking class on wheels, part RV travel guide, the RV Cooking Show website is a valuable way to discover more RV destinations and recipes easily adaptable to the RV lifestyle.

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